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How I work

I integrate several evidence-based therapies & techniques 


 prioritise using techniques that focus

on the interconnectedness of the mind, body & soul, and

the interconnectedness between humans, through our relationships



- Brené Brown's The Daring Way™ 

- Emotionally-Focussed Therapy

- Compassion & Self-Compassion tools

- Unresolved emotional trauma approaches

- Relational Neuroscience

- Interpersonal-Neurobiology

- Polyvagal theory

- Systemic Therapy

- Psychodynamic Therapy

- Humanistic Therapy

- Self-reparenting approaches

- Conscious Parenting, Connected Parenting,

Choice Parenting & Wholehearted Parenting

- Mindfulness techniques

And more...


When I meet you, I will integrate my knowledge of all of these models and techniques,

to create a unique holistic psychology service, that best makes sense for you.



I specialise in offering therapy that allows us the opportunity to get to the root cause of your difficulties,

rather than just 'treating' the surface level 'symptoms' you are experiencing.

I offer therapy with the potential to re-wire your brain, for the better -

Early in our therapy journey, I will share this theory and knowledge with you - Of how our brains become wired through experience, & how we retain the capacity to re-wire our brains, for the better, throughout our life.


I specialise in providing a space for any and all of the emotions, that you have had to hold in throughout your life,

to come to the surface and be processed and resolved. I can help you understand how experiences throughout your life, particularly your early life, shape your responses, emotions, relationships and behaviours in your life now. 


I can support you to learn how the social structures & cultures we live in, and were raised in, shape our identities 

as women & as mothers,

Together we will explore how the culture shapes our brains,

and often silences our instinctive communication with our bodies and souls.


I can support you to explore how the ways that you were parented may be impacting on how you parent today,

and how this also may be impacting on the mental health of your children today. 


I can help you to stop repeating family patterns, and build a family life that works for you now, and into the future.


 I also prioritise the demystifying of psychological concepts 

& empowering you with knowledge.  


The focus of the support I offer is in maximising emotional literacy, emotional agility and emotional resilience.

Together we will explore themes such as vulnerability, emotional expression and emotional strength, trust, courage, compassion and connection. 


I can also help you understand the connections between

physical health and your mental health, for you and your children.

And I can help you to learn how to reconnect with the inherent wisdom of your own body as a source of healing. 



Click below for information about the various formats of support I offer:

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